VALPRED Workshop
Sponsored by the ANR
project EXSTA and ANR
project T-Rex.

This workshop deals with validation of forecasting and relative topics.
In a nutshell, our goal is to mix around 50 researchers, statisticians, meteorologists, energy providers and other end users who have a common interest in probability forecasting, especially in the assessment of different forecasts.
The non-exhaustive list of potential topics is:
scoring rules theory, scoring functions in machine learning,
forecasting methods, aggregation of predictions and scores,
extreme value theory, interpretation of the predictions.
The workshop will take place at the Aussois CNRS center in France in the Alps region from Monday 16th of December - Thursday 19th of December, 2024.
Benjamin Fildier, ENS Paris, and Johan Segers, Louvain Catholic University,
will provide a series of 2 mini-courses on (tentativley)
Processes driving convective organisation on multiple scales, and Multivariate generalized Pareto distributions, respectively.
The full program is available here.
The organizing committee, i.e.
- Clément Dombry (LMB, Université de Franche-Comté)
- Philippe Naveau (LSCE, Gif)
- Anne Sabourin, (Paris Cité, Paris)
- Charles Tillier, (UVSQ, Versailles)
- Olivier Wintenberger (LPSM, Sorbonne Université, Paris)